Along the South Coast of Nova Scotia

Here are a few shots taken in August of 2012 traveling around St. Margaret’s Bay in Nova Scotia.  I am going back and reinterpreting some older stuff as well as shooting new stuff.  Thought you might enjoy these offerings.

Boat on rollers chaiscuro1 signed

Boat on rollers.  Everybody likes boats. (Nikon D7000, 18-200mm lens)



Dock and yellow bldg chiascuro 3 signed

Lobster boats docked at a yellow building.  The large building is where the lobsters are processed before going to market.  Great eating.(Nikon D7000, 18-200mm lens)


NS rocks and bldg charcoal signed

Rocks and boat house.  I just liked this perspective. (Fujifilm X100)


St margarets lobster traps charcoal ii signed

Lobster traps on a dock. (Nikon D7000, 18-200mm lens)


Peggy s cove 1 palette and knife signed

I have sold several sets of three views of Peggy’s Cove in standard color format.  Here is a painting of one of them.  (Nikon D300 (18-200mm lens)

Hope you enjoyed.  I’m going to post more often, promise, promises.

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